vineri, 12 august 2011

Women and Pensions: What Women need to know and do by: Cindy Morus

While all workers need to save more for retirement, women face additional challenges because they have lower earnings, experience higher job turnover, step out of the work force to take care of children and/or parents and are employed in industries with low or no pension coverage. Women need to save at least 12% of their pay. This would include any retirement account contributions made before you get your check (such as 401k, 403b or deferred compensation).

Your best savings vehicle is a tax-deferred account such as a 401k, 403b, IRA, SEP or Roth IRA because your earnings are sheltered from taxes until you retire. OR in the case of Roth IRA's you'll never have to pay taxes on your earnings because you paid taxes on the money before it was contributed to the account.

Check with your tax preparer to see which retirement options are best for your situation. Just remember to "save early and often"!

* Does your employer have a pension plan?

Employers are not required to have a pension plan. You need to find out from your employer if a plan is offered.

* Do you know what type of plan it is?

There are two basic types of pension plans. A traditional plan promises a specified pension benefit at retirement usually based on the years you worked and your salary. A defined contribution plan, such as a "401(k) or 403(b) plan," maintains separate accounts for each person and retirement benefits are based on the amount in your account. These names come from the portion of the tax code that describes them.

* Are you included in the plan?

Pension plans do not have to include every worker. Some jobs may be excluded from the plan and part-time workers may not be covered. Check with your plan administrator (the person running the plan), personnel office or union representative to make sure that you are a plan member or to find out how to become one.

* Have you worked long enough to earn a pension?

Generally you must work five years under a plan to qualify for benefits, although some types of plans still require ten years of work to earn a benefit. Some plans require less than five years. Ask the person running your plan for a summary plan description which describes the plan and its requirements.

* Do you know how much your pension will be?

The summary plan description should tell you how your benefit will be calculated. Your employer may give you or you may request an individual benefit statement showing the value of your pension benefit. The individual benefit statement should show the benefits you have actually earned to date and a projection of your benefit at retirement.

* Do you know what happens to your pension if you retire early?

If your traditional plan allows you to collect pension benefits before "normal" retirement age (65 in many plans) your benefit may be reduced since you will be getting benefits for a longer period of time.

* Do you know what happens to your pension if you change jobs?

If you have not worked long enough to qualify for benefits, you will lose your pension. If you qualify for benefits, some plans will keep your pension until you reach retirement age. Others will allow you to take your money out in a lump sum. If you take the money, you will have to pay a tax penalty unless you roll the money over into another pension plan or IRA.

* Do you know what happens to a pension if you or your spouse dies?

In a traditional private pension plan, you may be entitled to receive a benefit from your spouse's plan when he dies. This "survivor" benefit is automatic unless both spouses agree, in writing, to give it up. If you are in a government plan or a defined contribution plan the rules may be different.

* Is your pension insured?

Most traditional company and union pension plans are insured by the federal government through the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). PBGC pays benefits up to a maximum guarantee if plans fall short. Plans where you have an individual account and government plans are not insured.

* Do you have pension information from all your jobs?

If you earned a pension at a previous job, contact the plan to get information on your benefit. Also, when you apply for Social Security, you can find out what private sector pension benefits you may have earned. Finally, contact PBGC for help in locating your benefits from a private sector plan that no longer exists. Be sure to keep all employment and pension-related records with other important papers.

* Do you know what benefits your spouse's plan provides?

If you are a beneficiary under your spouse's pension plan, you may request a copy of a summary plan description from the plan administrator (generally the employer) which describes the plan, your rights under the plan, and whether survivor annuities or other death benefits are provided under the plan. You may also make a written request for copies of plan documents and a statement describing your spouse's vested benefits under the plan. There may be a charge for the information and your request may have to be in writing.

* Are you entitled to a portion of your spouse's pension benefit if you get divorced?

As part of a divorce or legal separation, you may be able to obtain rights to a portion of your spouse's pension benefit (or he may be able to obtain a portion of yours). In a private plan, this is done using a "qualified domestic relations order" (QDRO) issued by the court. You or your attorney should consult with the administrator of your spouse's plan to determine what requirements the QDRO needs to meet.

* Do you know the Social Security benefits to which you may be entitled?

Your Social Security benefits will be based on your earnings during your working career. You may also be entitled to benefits as a spouse, ex-spouse, or widow based on your spouse's earnings. Periodically, you should verify that your earnings on file with the Social Security Administration are correct.

* Can my pension benefits be reduced by Social Security or other government payments?

Some pension plans offset a portion of your benefit by some of the amount you receive under Social Security. Likewise, if you or your spouse have a government pension, it may affect the amount of your Social Security benefits. Your plan administrator will be able to advise you.

* Do you know how you can save for retirement if you do not have a pension plan?

Anyone with earned income can put money into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Or, if you are self-employed, you can establish a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) or "Keogh" plan.

About the author:
Cindy S. Morus ( is a Certified Financial Recovery Counselor specializing in showing women and their families how to achieve financial well-being and peace of mind. She is also a Certified Credit Report Reviewer and Get Clients NOW!™ licensee. Contact her at 541-387-2995 or She is also the publisher and editor of "Financial Fitness", an internet gazette dedicated to helping people improve their financial fitness no matter what decisions were made in the past.

The Asian-Themed Wedding by: Blake Kritzberg

Asian-themed weddings are on the rise. At first this might come as a surprise. After all, nothing could seem further from the Laura Ashley vision we summon for the word, “wedding.”
And in fact, that’s one of the forces behind the popularity of the Asian-themed wedding: how it turns things upside down. In fact, in a Chinese wedding, white is bad (it’s the color of death), and red and black are good (they’re the colors of luck and prosperity).

You might wonder whether brides that plan Asian-themed weddings are Asian themselves (or marrying someone who is). Sometimes! Surprisingly often, they aren’t, and the choice is aesthetic.

Today’s trends break down into two main types of Asian weddings: the Japanese or "Zen" style, which values simplicity and nature, and the more riotous Chinese style, which bristles with bright colors and shiny fabrics.

Although either choice may surprise your older guests, you may find a deep expression of personal values in an Asian-themed wedding. After all, the usual wedding is a type of pageant: the couple pretends to be royalty for a day, and lavishly entertains a large party —while racking up the debt.

But brides drawn to the Zen-style ceremony sometimes want to avoid the pageant, and simplify the ceremony (ironically, this can result in greater elegance for the price tag). This type of bride might read "voluntary simplicity" books, ponder the environment, enjoy an uncluttered house or apartment with a handful of Japanese accents (Shoji lanterns and screens, for example), or find herself attracted to natural materials. She might feel freed by a simpler wedding gown, and carry an unfussy bouquet of calla lilies. Her centerpieces might be lanterns surrounded by black and white stones. For favors, she might give out fortune cookies placed in take-out boxes and topped off with chopsticks.

Other brides find aspects of the western tradition stifling, so they mix up their ceremony with Chinese zest. This bride might dress her bridesmaids in glowing red (or slinky black) Cheongsams, dresses with high collars and slit sides. She'll hand them parasols instead of nosegays, and pass out chopsticks for their hair. Her own gown might be of gorgeous brocade in red, orange or gold. Perhaps she'll wrap up the ceremony with a butterfly release and hand out lucky bamboo stalks as wedding favors. This bride doesn’t mind charting her own course in social affairs, and she loves the Chinese devotion to parents and children.

In either case, the Asian-themed wedding may be a great way to tie your ceremony to some very personal values. Perhaps the thought of one crossed your mind, but you thought you had to be Asian! Don't worry: Asian traditions and trends have gone deep into parts of American culture since the 1960s. So maybe it's time to ask yourself: which type of Asian bride are you?

About the author:
Blake Kritzberg is the proprietor of "Wedding Favor Ideas". Stop by for wedding favor ideas, Save-the-Date eCards, and a free wedding screensaver, plus reviews of all major wedding planning software titles:

Synthetic Hair Extensions Create Choice Hair Styles for Fashion and Hair Loss Clients by: Perriann Rodriguez

Synthetic Fiber Hair Extensions Create Choice Hair Styles for Hair Loss and Fashion Clients
By Perriann Rodriguez
From the beginning of time, women have cared for their hair. As far back as 4000-300 B.C. Egyptian women and even men are shown with various wigs and elaborate hair styles. Hair is a contributing factor to ones confidence and serenity. Our culture strongly identifies femininity with a thick, lustrous head of hair. Images of full bodied, shining hair are synonymous with female attributes, sexuality, desirability and vigor. Thinning, dry, lusterless hair is identified with illness, old age, and poverty.

Every generation goes thru more and more transformations and capitalizes on current trends of Hair Styles. The big Hair Style trend these days is in full swing in Europe and is just starting to spread in the United States. It is the trend of Hair Extensions. Hair extensions involve the attachment of human or synthetic hair to your existing hair to create a more full or long look immediately. Hair extensions can add instant body, length to your look and can also help with hair thinning and hair loss situations.

There are many different methods of hair extensions on the market today, some good, some not so good. Mark Sharp, co-founder and creative director of Mark Glenn Hair Enhancement of London, England and Glenn Kinsey, co-founder and managing director have taken revolutionary steps in developing a fiber hair extension method that not only doesn’t damage the existing hair but can even improve the condition of the hair. They have transformed the lives of women who suffer from varying degrees of hair loss caused by conditions such as alopecia, trichotillomania, genetic factors, stress and post-operative trauma.

The Mark Glenn extensions, commonly known as MG extensions, use no glues, bonding solutions, threads, weaves, injections, and nothing is stuck on the head. They are attached using a very fine braid. A small section of existing hair is split into two. The fiber hair is also split into two to make the braid and is finally wrapped around the base of the hair, protecting it. The fiber is then "sealed on itself" using a heat tool (which is no hotter than a typical pair of curling tongs or crimpers). This creates a tiny plastic seal. It's important to point out that during this process, your own hair is safely "cocooned" inside the fiber so it doesn't come into direct contact with any heat. Therefore, your own hair stays in perfect condition. For hair loss or thinning problems, the extensions are applied with non-allergic mesh and the fiber hair is woven thru the mesh to create the look.

Glenn Kinsey of Mark Glenn Hair Enhancement has joined us today for a brief question and answer session on their fiber hair extensions.

Welcome Glenn and thank you for joining us today! We have a few questions for you about your wonderful hair extensions.

Question: I understand that you and Mark have previously worked with human hair extensions. Why did you switch to synthetic fiber extensions?
Answer: Several reasons:

1. Weight - human hair is twice the weight of fiber and therefore feels “heavy” on the head – at its worst, this increased weight and stress on the hair can cause “traction alopecia”. In addition, human hair is porous – it soaks up water – which can significantly increase the weight when wet.

2. Tangle – human hair tends to “matt” and “tangle” – this is because the surface of human hair has little “spines” on it, that look like roof tiles under a microscope. Because this “alien” hair isn’t being conditioned by the natural oils that condition your own hair, these “spines” tend to “stick out” and tangle up with the other hairs on your head. Consequently, you do need to use quite intensive conditioners to keep the hair in good condition. Fiber, however, has a smooth surface and therefore is less likely to tangle.

3. Glue - human hair extensions are typically applied with glue and removed with acetone – a recipe for damage, the results of which we regularly see in our studio. Our method doesn’t use any chemicals.

4. Colour match - a stylist using human hair would typically take a swatch of the client’s hair and send it to a human hair supplier who would then pick the closest colour from a specific range. We actually colour-blend our hair with the client in front of us – taking into account all the different subtle shade shifts that may exist in their hair – to get an absolutely perfect match

5. Ethics – there’s a great deal of mystery surrounding the origins of human hair used in extensions and it’s very difficult to track the exact source. A common source for top quality hair is from female Russian prisoners, for example

6. Look and feel – fiber looks and feels just like real hair but is much kinder to the hair and is much easier to style and take care of.

Question: What percentage of your clients gets hair extensions for hair loss issues versus fashion?
Answer: The split is approximately 50/50

Question: You have developed your own branded method (MG extensions) for applying fiber extensions. What is unique about your method in comparison to other methods available? Do you plan to patent your application method?
Answer: We have a proprietary technique for working with female hair loss, for which clients visit us from all over the world. For fashion purposes, we’ve amalgamated several different methods and added our own unique adaptations to create a technique that creates a beautiful look

Question: Why do you feel that fiber extensions are superior to human hair extensions? Could you apply human hair extensions using your method if a client really preferred human hair?
Answer: See above. Apart from using pliers and a metal clip (which is great fun through airport metal detectors and very uncomfortable when you lay your head on a pillow!) the only way to apply human hair is with glue.

Question: What training and education is involved for stylists doing MG extensions? Answer We work in teams of two people – a “lead” and an “assist”. Team members start out as an “assist” and then, after about 12 to 24 months, progress up to a “lead”. “Leads” are the ones that direct the work. Our training is very intensive and “on the job” to allow team members to experience the bewildering array of both styles and techniques, as well as the differing types of hair loss they may encounter.

Question: What are the legal requirements in England for doing hair extensions?Answer: Sadly, there are no specific legal requirements for hair extensions over and above those for a normal hair salon.

Question: What are the minimum requirements for someone wanting hair extensions? Length of hair? Stable hair loss? Have you turned down clients for hair extensions and why?
Answer: We regularly turn away clients no matter how much they want hair extensions, if we don’t think it’s going to look sensational! For fashion work, the main reason is length of existing hair – for the best results, the clients hair needs to be at least 4 to 6 inches long. This is because you need existing hair to conceal where the extensions are attached. For our clients with hair loss, there can be a whole range of reasons, from too little existing hair to hair loss that hasn’t “stabilized”.

Question: There are some hair extensionists that don’t recommend getting fiber extensions because of esthetic reasons. Can you describe the quality of the fiber hair, where it is made and why these recommendations are not valid?
Answer: We only use a beautiful, hand-made fiber that is absolutely undetectable from the real thing in look, feel and behavior. It’s actually more expensive than some human hair! Cheap fiber is truly awful, akin to “Barbie-doll” hair. You only tend to spot bad extensions – we pride ourselves on the fact that, in general, no-one even suspects our clients have extensions and we have a large number of celebrity clients that, in some cases, even the media haven’t spotted that their hair isn’t their own!

Question: You mention on your website, that the fiber extensions do not damage your hair and can even improve the condition of your hair. Can you explain how they can improve the condition of your hair?
Answer: First of all, we don’t use any chemicals. Secondly, your own hair is “cocooned” and protected inside the extension and continues to grow as normal. Thirdly, when the extensions are removed, they just slide off your hair leaving no mess or residue. Because your hair has been protected in this way over a few months, the condition of your own hair often improves.

Question: What is the maintenance schedule for fashion and hair loss fiber extensions? What happens if you do not follow the maintenance schedule?Answer: For fashion, you’d need to either remove the extensions after three months or have them removed and replaced. Initially, the extensions are attached at the base of your hair. However, your hair will grow at around half an inch a month so the extensions start to grow down your own hair. If you leave it longer than 3 months, there’s a risk that the newly grown hair above the extension may start to matt and tangle and, in the worst-case scenario, dreadlock. For hair loss, the particular technique we use demands that clients visit us every six weeks for similar reasons – the “mesh” can start to feel a little loose if it’s left for much longer than 6 weeks.

Question: If someone has very thick hair and wants only to lengthen it, why wouldn’t you just apply the extensions to the ends of the hair, instead of at the roots?

Answer: Because you’d see a “bump” where the extension is attached.

Question: Can you treat fiber extensions the same as your own hair? I.E. shampooing, conditioning, curling, brushing, etc

Answer: Yes – wash it as normal, blow dry, curl, condition, brush – just like the real thing. And because the fiber is actually non-porous, you don’t need to use expensive products on the hair, e.g. conditioners, because they’ll have no effect on the extension hair itself. The only thing you have to avoid is direct, sustained heat e.g. hot-iron straighteners etc. Rollers etc. are fine.

Question: Are there any restrictions? Can you color or perm the fibre extensions?Answer: You can’t perm the extensions but you wouldn’t need to – you can achieve the same look using rollers, for instance. Colour has no effect on the extension hair, again, because it’s non-porous. This is great for clients who continue to have their “roots” done, in the knowledge that the colour won’t affect the extension hair.

Question: On an annual basis, what would a typical client pay for Fashion and Hair Loss Fiber extensions including maintenance schedules? Are the majority of the costs associated with cost of the materials or the labor?
Answer: Costs do vary from head to head and style to style. Since we have two people working on a client’s head at the same time, cost is predominantly based on the amount of time it takes with each particular client. On average, a fashion client would pay around GBP Ł1,500.00 per year and a hair loss client, around twice as much. And bear in mind that you don’t need to visit a hairdresser since we take care of all this during appointments.

Question: Your Hair Loss fiber extensions qualify for funding from medical plans in England. Did you have to go thru a certification process for this funding? Have any of your clients outside England received payment from medical plans in their country?Answer: Because of the way the UK health system works (which is funded by the Government) it very much depends on the attitude of local health authorities rather than a specific “test”. Some health authorities are happy to fund their patients, whereas others are not, preferring the cheaper option of providing wigs. We’ve yet to have someone from outside the UK who’s funded by a health plan etc.

Question: Do you plan to offer training to stylists outside your salon so that other salons in the world can offer MG Extensions?
Answer: Not at present, although it’s something we may consider in the future.

Question: Are there reputable salons in the US that you would recommend?
Answer: Since the majority of our techniques were developed in-house and are therefore unique to us, it’s unlikely you’d find anyone locally who does things in quite the same way. The fact that, currently, we have clients that visit us from 14 different countries, seems to confirm this. I so wish I could recommend others, but we simply haven’t yet come across anyone who provides a similar result to a similar standard

Thank you very much Glenn for your valuable input!! For additional information about Mark Glenn Hair Extensions, visit their website located at

About the author:
Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of www.hairresources.comand has published hundreds of articles in magazines, newspapers and trade journals. She is listed in the US Register of American Writers and the 2004 Who's Who of Executives and Professionals 

Laser Hair Removal: Your Choice? by: Noel Matthew

If you have heard all the facts about laser hair removal, you already know your answer to that question. But, although it is heavily advertised, most people actually do not know all that much about laser hair removal. But, this is okay because you can find quite a bit of the information you need to make a decision on it right here on the web. Laser hair removal works by targeting the dark material on the skin. There are many more facts that you need to know though, before you can make a decision.

How It Works

How does it work? Laser hair removal works through a light wavelength that targets these dark colored materials on your skin. This is usually the pigment of the hair. It works through a hand held device that targets these areas and removes hair from them. It works the best on those with fair colored skin and dark colored hair. The darker the skin’s pigment the more difficult the procedure of laser hair removal will work on you.

What To Know

Although laser hair removal has been around for a long time, it has only been used commercially for a handful of years. In that time period, many have found great success with this process. But, the hair removal is not always permanent. Hair that does come back can be lighter in color in some people. For others, it does remain gone. Laser hair removal is quite expensive as well.

Problems With Laser Hair Removal

When used properly, there are few problems, medically speaking, that can occur during laser hair removal. Yet, many people complain that it is a painful process. You will not be given any medication, as the pain isn’t horrible, but it is uncomfortable. Also, if done wrong, laser hair removal can cause a number of issues such as burns, skin that is discolored for months at a time, lesions, and patchy hair regrowth.

About the author:
For more information please see

Laser Hair Removal: A Basic Understanding by: Kathlene Capelle

Laser hair removal is one of the newest cosmetic procedures available today. The process is to permanently remove hair from any part of your body that you wish by the use of a light at a designated wavelength, which is projected into the skin by way of a laser hand held instrument.

What the laser accomplishes, after it's reached into the interior of the skin, is to focus on the hair's pigment. The laser destroys the follicle of the hair but does not damage the remaining hair tissue around it.

While laser hair removal can be quite effective and has been so for many, it is new, and, as compared with older hair removal treatments, relatively untested. What this means is that we really don't know yet just how safe or unsafe it might be and the potential for side effects. The other issue with the newness of this laser hair removal process is that no one has used it for long enough to have continuity of statistics that would indicate the rate of response to the laser hair removal treatment and the rate at which the hair grows back after each laser hair removal treatment.

Two of the most important elements to consider in qualifying potential laser hair removal candidates are skin color and hair color.

1. Skin Colour. Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Due to the lighter pigmentation, the laser hair removal results happen more quickly. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower. They just have to be content with the knowledge that it will take longer to see results and a greater number of treatments are probably going to be needed.

2. Hair Colour. Laser hair removal works best on dark hair. The reason for the difference is the pigment pheomelanin, which is found only in red or blonde hair. It is very hard for a laser to penetrate pheomelanin. On the other hand, the laser goes easily through eumelanin, the pigment found in black and brown hair.

Treatment costs can add up to more than $1,000 as multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to obtain optimal results. This is largely due to the fact that laser hair removal is most effective for hair which is in the anagen phase (the growth phase). Since hair grows in cycles, not all of the hairs are in the anagen phase at any given time. Thus, more sessions are necessary to target hairs while they are in anagen.

How much and how long an individual respond to complete hair removal by laser hair removal differ from case to case. So, no hair removal clinics can guarantee 100% permanent results by a certain period. Consumers are nevertheless well advised, to consult with licensed professional and reputable laser hair removal centers.

About the author:
Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one’s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at

Hair Replacement And Restoration Techniques by: David Riewe

There has been a great deal of progress in the field of hair replacement and restoration in the past few years. Surgical techniques have improved greatly from the days when hair replacement first began. All hair replacement techniques involve the use of your own hair; therefore, hair replacement candidates must have some healthy hair, usually at the back and sides of the head. The process is a relatively safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon, however as with any surgery there are risks. Candidates must be checked for uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or skin that scars excessively, as these conditions may make healing difficult. Small pieces of hair growing scalp grafts are removed from areas of the scalp with healthy hair and are placed where hair is thinning. There are three major types of grafts: punch grafts, mini-grafts, and micro-grafts. Punch grafting takes about 10-15 hairs and places them in the scalp. This was the first type of technique to be developed, and when first developed caused a patchy look in many candidates. The technique has been improved since the first days of being developed, and the new mini-graft technique has also been added as an option. Mini-grafts contain only 2-4 hairs per graft, and therefore look much more natural. Micro-grafts are still smaller grafts that contain one to two hairs each. To maintain healthy circulation of the scalp, grafts are placed 1/8th of an inch apart. Local anesthesia is usually sufficient for these procedures, and several procedures are usually required to achieve the desired result. Post-surgery, a period of approximately 10 days of no sexual or strenuous activity is recommended, as strenuous activity may cause bleeding from the graft areas.

Of course surgery is a serious option, and often an expensive one as well. For those not wishing to undergo surgery for either reason, the option of non-surgical hair additions is often explored. Many professionals have developed techniques to add hair to existing hair on your scalp that look very natural. Weaves, fusions, bonding, cabling and micro linking are some of the techniques used to bond hair to the existing hair or scalp non-surgically.

Many jokes were made in the past about wigs and toupees, and they have gained an unfavorable light amongst many people because they were so obvious on the wearer. Today’s toupees and wigs are often made of real hair and are very well styled, causing them to look ore natural on the wearer. These hairpieces are held in place by affixing adhesive to the scalp and stay in place through vigorous exercise. Of course you will need to seek a professionally made toupee in order to make it worth your while, and you should purchase at least two so that you can maintain them properly, servicing one while wearing the other. A professionally styled and fitted toupee is expected to cost upward of $600 to $1000 in today’s market. Of course no one wants to go through the embarrassment of wearing the obvious “rug” on top of your head, so if you are not willing to spend the money it takes to purchase a professional toupee then it is probably best to not wear any hairpiece at all.

Structured hairpieces as they are called are a semi-surgical approach that permanently attaches hair to the scalp by stitching the hair to the bald scalp. This procedure is not recommended, as it is a process that involves introducing a foreign material to the scalp. Most ethical surgeons do not perform this procedure any longer as they are generally deemed to be ethically inappropriate. If this procedure is recommended to you, get a second opinion from a trusted physician.

A much safer procedure is hair weaving, yet this can only be used if hair is thinning and large balding areas are not present. The process is also called hair intensification or hair integration. Strands of synthetic or real hair are braided or weaved into your own existing hair giving an appearance of a full head of hair. This procedure does have its drawbacks, because it can make the scalp difficult to access, interfering with proper hair and scalp maintenance necessary for the health of your remaining natural hair, and this method can also stress existing hair since the artificial hair introduced through weaving is attached to it. This method is usually expensive, costing several thousand dollars per application, and being that because of the aforementioned drawbacks it can only be left in for a few weeks at a time it is usually impractical for the average person.

It is highly recommended that one seek professional assistance with these procedures from licensed beauticians or barbers, and have a patch test done to the skin if using adhesives to test for skin sensitivities. Extra care must be taken to maintain cleanliness of the hair and scalp when wearing added hair in order to maintain the health of existing hair and the scalp in general. Of course, if you are undergoing chemotherapy or are in the early stages of diagnosed alopecia areata then these procedures should be avoided as the hair they are connected to is likely to fall out as well. Either waiting for a period of time or obtaining a full prosthesis is recommended in these cases.

Yet still there is another type of treatment which is a spray of micro fibers made up of the same substance that hair is made of: keratin. If your hair is simply thinning, while you are investigating a more permanent solution to your hair loss problems or in the process of employing a particular process that takes some time, you can use these substances to cosmetically produce the appearance of thicker and fuller hair. The substance is marketed under several different names, one such being TopikŽ. Being a temporary solution it is relatively inexpensive, and can provide some immediate aesthetic results to bolster confidence and optimism as you work on more permanent solutions.

About the author:
David Riewe is the Editor of Daves Health Buzz. Daves Health Buzz covers a wide variety of health and wellness related topics. Warning: This report may be helpful to your hair!

Hair Removal Solutions: Laser Hair Removal And Others by: Sam Natarajan

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way, you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions, laser hair removal offers a easy to use, extremely effective method to get rid of unwanted body hair and is long lasting in its effect. Men and Women alike have benefited from this superb technology which promises unwanted hair removal from virtually any part of the human body. The principle of hair removal by laser is based on the fact that thermal agitation of the hair follicle and bulb under the skin causes the bulb to destabilize, break down and forego the capability of regeneration. Thus laser hair removal is precise and effective in hair removal.

Shaving: The most common and the oldest hair removal solution in the market today and world different from laser hair removal. Shaving is a self administered hair removal solution in daily use by both men and women for getting rid of body hair. The equipment required is low-tech : a shaving razor, brush and cream is all that you need. However the application is limited to only areas on your body that you can see and reach and is not definitely applicable for the tender areas on the human body. This is not a permanent hair removal solution as well.

Tweezing: Otherwise called plucking, this method involves using a pair of tweezers to pull the hair out of the skin to ensure hair removal. This method is particularly painful and suffers from the same drawbacks of shaving in terms of permanence of effect and areas of applicability. It is hard to imagine that laser hair removal and tweezing essentially are solutions to virtually the same problem.

Electrolysis: Before the onset of laser hair removal, electrolysis was widely touted as a very effective method for hair removal. It’s different from hair removal by laser in the sense that, instead of a laser beam destabilizing the hair root, it’s an electric current that does the same job. This treatment also needs to be administered for a longer period of time as compared to laser hair removal and is definitely not for the faint hearted.

In our opinion amongst all the options of hair removal available in the market today, laser hair removal seems to be the most promising. Its just a matter of time before the technology becomes so prevalent that even for the unfortunate few for whom cost is a hurdle, it will be within reach of their financial boundaries!

About the author:
Visit our articles section at http://www.Laser-Hair-Removal-For-You.comfor more such practical advice, tips and hair removal information. Š 2005, Sam Natarajan. You may publish it at no cost, as long as the links are left intact, made live, and this notice stays in place. 

Hair Care Home Remedies by: Elizabeth Kiely

Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies.

Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Rinse your hair with baking soda and water to rid your hair of shampoo build-up and styling residues. Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair. Apple cider vinegar mixed with water will give your hair shine and bounce.

Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator and to stimulate hair growth. Add patchouli to your shampoo if you have oily hair.

Rosemary is an effective hair tonic and conditioner. Rosemary also helps retain color especially in dark hair.

Chamomile and lemon juice have a mild bleaching effect on hair. Mix chamomile tea with lemon juice and use as a rinse to lighten hair.

For problems with dandruff, add rosemary and/or patchouli essential oils to your shampoo or mix with almond oil as a hair treatment for your scalp.

For hair loss, add horseradish oil, cedarwood, clary sage, and/or rosemary oil to your shampoo. Also, Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is a natural source of organic sulfur good for treating hair loss. Take MSM supplements or eat high sulfur content greens such as kale and watercress.

Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair. What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

About the author:
Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps:

Female Hair Loss: Finding A Hair Loss Solution by: Kathlene Capelle

As a female, if you are facing thinning and losing hair, you are probably pretty stressed by it. However, you will not be worrying and causing more hair to drop once you understand some facts about female hair loss.
You see, in many cases, female hair loss is just a temporary occurance and hence, finding a hair loss solution to it is relatively easy.

Androgenetic alopecia is the hereditary form of baldness that affects 50 percent of men, and some women after 40. Female hair loss usually starts after menopause although it can begin earlier. The main reason for this is that estrogen levels decline. Hormonal changes cause hair to thin.

It is comforting to note that other than androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss in women, is a result of metabolic and hormonal changes. Thus, the hair loss is usually temporary. Also, unlike men, women rarely become totally bald. However, what females generally experience is the thinning of their hair.

For example, in the case of pregnancy, hair loss is temporary and should stop about 6 months after birth. When a woman is pregnant, a large amount of oestrogen is produced causing the hair follicles to go into their growth phase. Once the baby is born, the woman’s hormonal balance is restored. The reverse now happens with the hair follicles going into a hair loss phase.

While nothing much can be done to prevent hair loss during this period, applying hair tonic to hasten hair re-growth can be a helpful solution.

Crash diets leading to rapid weight loss over a short period of time prompts excessive hair loss.

Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs after a prolonged period of time and in extreme cases. Once stress levels are restored to normal levels, hair loss should stop. Thus, a good hair loss solution is to find ways to reduce stress!

Certain drugs can also cause hair to shed. The most common medical treatment that causes hair loss is chemotherapy. The drug medication attacks the hair cells, causing hair loss from the scalp. Certain prescription drugs (for thyroid hormone deficiency, diabetes and lupus) and dieting supplements are also causes of hair loss. Once these drug medications are stopped, the hair loss problem should disappear.

Other stresses to the hair may include frequent dyeing and chemicals eg. perming solutions applied to the hair. Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if they are not done too often. But if hair is not allowed a chance to recover from the constant application of hair chemicals, then it becomes brittle and starts to break off. Hair loss treatment products to help strengthen the follicles should help when applied to the scalp.

Once you understand what is happening to your hair, then seek out the right hair loss solution. In most cases, if the cause is temporary, then you can be assured that your problem will pass with the right remedy actions. However, for the more serious cases, do seek the professional help of a licensed dermatologist for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

About the author:
Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in helping people regain their confidence through a beautiful crop of hair. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at

Detecting Menopause Through Testing by: Kathryn Whittaker

Menopause comes from two Greek words that mean “month” and “to end,” and the current medical definition of menopause means exactly the same: the absence of menstruation for twelve months. Menopause can occur between late thirties and late 50s, and not a single woman can avoid this period. Considering that menopause hits a woman in her most active life stage, it is not surprising that women want to prepare to menopause and avoid discomfort using a wide variety of convenient menopause tests.

Although menopause is a natural part of growing older, many women find menopause symptoms start interfering with their daily lives. Menopause symptoms include missed or heavy menstrual periods, hot sweating and flashes, mood changes, nervousness, insomnia and a general feeling of being "down". Due to hormonal changes a woman may add some weight or her hair may thin. Then, after the stopping of menstrual periods for a full twelve months, a woman enters menopause, and after twelve months a woman is post-menopausal. And while many women may experience mild discomfort, others may have moderate to severe health problems and may want to ease their symptoms.

Menopause symptoms can be relieved, if not avoided, by timely preparation. Menopause tests help women detect menopause in its early stage. Using menopause tests may be reasonable even for women in their 30s to determine when their ovarian function changes which may mean the slow shift into the perimenopause.

Such symptoms are irregular menstrual periods, hot flashes, insomnia, nervousness, decreased sexual desire, or night sweats may signal the approach of perimenopause or menopause, but they can also manifest a number of other disorders and conditions. For accurate results, menopause test employs a hormonal analysis.

The menopause test measures the presence of a hormone known as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone is produced by woman’s pituitary gland. Follicle stimulating hormone levels increase temporarily each month to stimulate ovaries to produce eggs. When a woman enters menopause and ovaries stop working, her follicle stimulating hormone levels increase.

Applying urine to the wick of a menopause test kit activates menopause tests. If a woman’s hormonal level is higher than normal, it may signal that she is approaching menopause. However, this test will not show not if a woman definitely is in menopause or even in perimenopause. Menopause test may be influenced by oral or patch contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or estrogen supplements that a woman has been taking before the test.

There are a number of traditional menopause tests that should be done in doctor’s office. Typically these tests require a sample of blood that is sent to an outside lab for examination. Results are normally available three to five days later. If the menopause test results show that the hormonal levels are increased above the norm, it is standard medical protocol to perform a second menopause test.

Today, menopause symptoms can be relieved using traditional or herbal therapy methods. If you are concerned about the symptoms of menopause talk to your doctor about a menopause test.

About the author:
Kathryn writes articles on a number of different topics. For more information on Menopause please visit http://www.menopause-guide.organd for additional articles on all beds

Colour & Cosmetics by: Jane Thurnell-Read

Many people avoid artificial colours in their foods, but don't check out the colours in cosmetics and personal care products. It is only in recent years that cosmetics have started to carry a full list of ingredients on their packaging.

Making sense of the ingredients can be difficult for the lay person. This is particularly true for colourings, which often go under the guise of numbers rather than names.

In many countries colours in cosmetics are listed as colour index numbers. C.I. numbers are allocated by the Society of Dyers and Colourists. The scheme covers colours used in food, personal care products, cosmetics, household products and fabric dyeing. So, for example you will not normally see ‘tartrazine’ listed in your lipstick ingredients, but it may be there listed as C.I. 19140. Erythrosine will be listed as C.I. 45430, and so on.

The USA uses a different system: the FD & C colors have been categorised by the American Food & Drink Administration for use in foods, drugs and cosmetics. So in this system tartrazine is FD & C yellow 5, and amaranth is FD & C red 2.

The ‘E Number’ system is used by the European Community (EC). This is a system of giving code numbers to food additives, some of which are also used in cosmetics and personal care products. This system is also used in some other countries but without the E prefix, so E102 becomes simply colour ‘102’.

All this confusion for the average consumer would not be important, but for the fact that some of these colours are known to cause problems in susceptible individuals. For example, tartrazine (also known as FD & C Yellow 5, CI 1914 and EI02) can cause migraines, itching, rhinitis and agitation in susceptible individuals. Many individuals avoid its use in food, but do not realise how extensively it is used in cosmetics, such as lipstick, and personal care products.

The big worries in terms of colours in cosmetics and personal care products are lipstick, coloured lip balms, lip gloss and lip pencils, because anyone who uses these regularly ‘eats’ a fair quantity over their life time, but these colours also appear in skin cream, foundation, mascara and so on too. (Remember also that these colours can also be in 'natural' cosmetics and skin care products.)

Another worry is that even the 'experts' cannot agree on an international 'safe' list of colours, so that a colour may be allowed in one country, but banned elsewhere. For example, quinoline yellow is allowed within the European Community and in some other countries, but is banned in Japan, Norway and the United States.

As ever, the advice is: keep yourself informed and read the label. Here is a list of the different names and numbers that common colourings go under:

Tartrazine: E102 or FD & C Yellow 5 or C.I. 19140
Quinoline yellow or E104 or C.I. 47005
Sunset yellow or E110 or FD & C Yellow 6 or C.I. 15985
Amaranth or E123 or FD & C Red 2 or C.I. 16185
Ponceau 4R or E124 or C.I. 16255
Erythrosine or E127 or FD & C Red 3 or C.I. 45430
Red 2G or E128 or C.I. 18050
Allura red AC or E129 or FD & C Red 40 or C.I. 16035
Patent blue V or E131 or C.I. 42051
Indigo carmine or E132 or FD & C Blue 2 or C.I. 73015
Brilliant blue FCF or FD & C Blue 1 or C.I. 42090
Fast green FCF or FD & C Green 3 or C.I. 42053
Green S or E142 or C.I. 44090

About the author:
Jane Thurnell-Read researches and writes on health and well-being. Visit her sitehttp://www.healthandgoodness.comfor well-researched articles on a whole range of topics. She's not trying to sell you anything - this is an information web site. the most common unsolicited comment from people who surf this site is "brilliant".

Can Women Build Big Muscles? Why Women Can't Build Big Muscles Easily. by: Chris Chew

Why Is It Difficult For Women To Build Big Muscles

"I don't want to workout lifting weights because I don't want to build big muscles " or "I just do aerobics and sit ups to lose weight because if I lift weights, I may build muscle and looked like a man."

Ladies. Have you made these comments before? Awww... c'mon ladies, if you have ever uttered these words, you have just done a terrible disservice to yourself and are missing out on many great benefits that working out with weights can give you. Have you ever pointed to your belly or butt and sweetly proclaimed, "I want lose weight here." So managed to convince yourself that sweating profusely is the answer to a slim and beautiful body and you hit the gym day in and day out just to sweat off your tummy or butt fats!

So you peddle away on your stationary bike in the gym just like little hamsters or frantically stepping away on the step up machine and then you woefully do crunches after crunches in the hope of having a flat belly and a well rounded shapely butt not realising that there is no such thing as spot reduction.

You never even bother take a look at the weight lifting machines or the free weights lying everywhere in the gym not to say even touching those weights. Gosh.this terrible myth of building big muscles on women is creating so much fear in women causing them never to train with weights at their detriment.

Ladies! If you are listening, I want to say this loud and clear. There is no way women will build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed training system. Some of those muscle bound ladies you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. never never touch steroids to build msucles.

So the, why is it difficult for women to nuild big muscles? Well, it is simply because you do not have enough of tetosterone, a male hormone that encourages your muscles to grow. In fact, women have ten to thirty times less of bodybuilding hormones, tetosterone than their male counterparts. Women who accept the myth that they will build big muscles if they workout with weights will miss out on all of the benefits that weightlifting and bodybuilding can offer. This myth is so ingrained in women's psyche that even after explaining the facts to my women clients, they are still afraid to lift weights. So will women who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes, of course, but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight, firm, healthy, attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and healthy. Yes, you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is because muscles weigh more than fat. Thus, as you increase your muscle tissue, your weight will increase but your fats will be reduced giving you a well toned sexy body which most women can only dream of.

Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact, research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build, you will burn 70-100 more calories per day. So, if you gain 2 kilos of muscle and lose 2 kilos of fat, you will burn about 75 more calories per kilo, which equates to burning 150 additional calories per day, which translates into 4200 additional calories per month and ultimately results in a fat or weight loss of 7-8 kilos a year without doing anything! One kilo is 2.2 pounds. Doesn't that sound great?

Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis, a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density. Women has a much higher risk than men to suffer from osteoporosis. In fact, most women will suffer from this disease as they age. Those plagued with osteoporosis have an increased susceptibility to fractures. These fractures can even be fatal. So, women should exercise with weight to strengthen and increase bone density. Research has shown that six months of weightlifting may increase bone mineral density by as much as 15 percent. As you increase your muscle tissue, your bones must adapt to accommodate this increase in your muscle mass . So your bones respond by increasing in density. The result? You will own a stronger skeletal structure and a reduced risk for osteoporosis.

So, don't completely swear off weightlifting fearing that training with weights will build big muscles and turn you into an Incredible Hulk! You won't and you can't. Period.

OK girls, the weights are over there. Let's lift them now! Have the last laugh when your girl friends tell you that they don't want to lift weights and yet watching you transform your body that will make heads turn when you are in your bikini.

About the author:
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer based in Singapore. He count actors, models, pageant winners and other celebrities amongst his clients. He is the author of "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast" ebook at http://www.sgfitnessonline.comHis runs a fitness school athttp://www.sgfitnessonline.comand has appeared in the media and TV on numerous occassions. 

Body Hair Removal: Solutions For Today by: Sam Natarajan

As we as a race become increasingly conscious of the way others look at us and not just the way, we look at ourselves, personal grooming has never been more important. And top of the list for many men and women today is to gain a superior attractive quality by getting rid of unwanted body hair. Be it facial hair removal for women, or back hair removal for men, quick hair removal treatments have fast gained in popularity with the masses. As your search continues for the treatment best suited for you, we have tried to put together a concise set of hair removal solutions available in the market today for your benefit.

The commonest form of quick hair removal today is shaving, which as the name suggests is the simple application of a razor blade, either manually or electrically on the skin surface to remove the hair by cutting the hair stem. While it's a quick painless hair removal method which is effective, it lasts only for very short bursts of time and can never be termed a permanent hair removal solution. Still for people short on time and low on cash, shaving still promises to be an affordable practical solution. For the slightly advanced enthusiast, depilatory creams are a good bet to do facial hair removal and leg hair removal. These creams effect quick hair removal through surface chemical reactions with the protein in your hair, breaking it down and making it easy to come off. Available in a variety of forms such as gels and aerosols and typically calcium-compound based, this treatment offers a solution which however is not a permanent hair removal method.

Of course, if you are a girl, you have probably gone through the painful procedure of waxing for body hair removal especially for hands and legs hair removal. Tweezing like waxing works by plucking the hair out of the skin right from its root s, thereby giving a hairless skin which can last for several weeks until the roots of the hair grow back. Electrolysis for hair removal on the other hand works on the principle of destabilizing the hair roots through surface electrical currents charged through electrodes implanted in the skin. While the effect of electrolysis hair removal is long standing in nature, frequent sessions and a serious dent on your bank balance are realistic possibilities that you need to keep in mind.

The best hair removal method available today is laser hair removal for men and women alike. This treatment is swift, precise, painless hair removal technique which normally guarantees an extended period of freedom from unwanted hair. In just a few sessions, whether it is facial hair removal or back hair removal, the laser technology effectively answers all your needs and desires for looking your personal best!

Visit your local salon or contact your beautician for understanding which of these hair removal treatments would work best for you. All the best to looking good and feeling great!!

About the author:
Visit our articles section at http://www.Laser-Hair-Removal-For-You.comfor more such practical advice, tips and hair removal information. Š 2005, Sam Natarajan. You may publish it at no cost, as long as the links are left intact, made live, and this notice stays in place. 

Acne Treatment Tips by: M.D. Stracener

Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many.

Although acne isn’t life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn’t as important as finding a cure.

So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.

Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you’ve got your acne cleared up it’s important to continue with the treatment that’s working so it does not return.

If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these tips to conquer your acne.

Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It’s a great start to fighting acne.

You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.

Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.

Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean Skin
You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.

Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.

Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak.

You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for?

About the author:
MD Stracener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at

Acne Skin Care Regime by: Nitin Jain

The first most important thing for an acne prone skin is hygiene. A healthy skin care regime should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or over production of oil to replace what has washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle exfoliation ingredient should be used; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruit shell pieces that can tear skin. Also skip alcohol products when possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to produce more oil, further causing clogging pores in the process. If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them.

For best acne skin care effects, using a mild cleanser or toner once in the morning, noon and evening, and after doing a heavy work out, will help you achieve a clear skin. Pick that zit. People who prick pimples and blemishes as if pricking a bubble only aggravates the risk of skin inflammation and acne scars. Avoid hand contact with your face for better acne skin care results. For men, shaving should be done with care. Choose the best electric shavers and safety razors you can trust for years. They'll be more comfortable to use. Men need not use a super sharp blade to get rid of that beard. A regular shaver used with soap and water, or shaving cream will help you get that smooth finish. Doctors advised men to shave lightly, and shave only when necessary for acne skin care maintenance.

Products for daily skin care regime

1 Glycerin is a good moisturizer. Glycerin is known to moisturize from the inside out, pulling in moisture from the outside environment. It's typically found in better quality, more expensive soaps like a hand made soap or good cleanser. Lower grade, commercially produced soaps usually remove the glycerin and use more cost effective chemicals which are much more destructive to the skin.

2 Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus are terrific for cleansing. Tea tree oil is considered to have some of the best natural antiseptic / antifungal properties in the world. Eucalyptus oil has been shown to fight infection-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses very effectively.

3 Pure Aloe Vera - the absolute best moisturizer.

Always remember what is best for your body is best for your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help conquer acne breakout.

Copyright 2005

About the author:
For http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.comFind lots of makeup and beauty tips here. Get addicted at our exciting forums – http://forums.ultimate-cosmetics.comYou are free to publish the above article in your ezine or website, provided the credit is given to the author and a hyperlink (HTML clickable) is given to

Acne Adoloscent Style – How To Deal With It? by: Sher Matsen

Adolescent acne is referred to by many names, teen acne, acne adoloscent, and hormonal acne to name just a few. Whatever you want to call it, it can be frustrating, painful, and embarrassing to a teen.

Living with acne over a prolonged period during your teen years can be emotionally devastating, after all this is the age where your appearance is most important. Teen acne is very hard on the ego, often resulting in teasing and razzing from peers. Some teens suffer from not only acne but sever depression.

During the adolescent years almost every teen will have at least an occasional whitehead, blackhead, or pimple. Adolescent acne usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 20, and is usually the result of fluctuating hormone levels. Once the hormones stabilize out the acne will normally disappear.

So what’s the bet way to deal with adolescent acne? The simplest and most important thing a teen can do, is to learn to take good care of their skin, keeping it clean and as oil free as possible. This is not a cure but can help keep acne breakouts to a minimum.

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water will also help by keeping the skin hydrated and the body flushed. Girls should use oil free cosmetics. Lightly exfoliating once a week will help open pours, and remove dead skin debris.

Milder cases of acne can be controlled by using conventional over the counter medicines that are applied directly to the skin. These medications usually include benzoyl peroxide or retinoic acid as an active ingredient.

Some natural products that can be used to treat acne are tea tree oil or Echinacea. Wash your face twice a day with a mixture of these herbs to reduce the number of break outs. Both have anti-inflammatory and anti-septic qualities.

In more severe adolescent acne a Doctor may try various oral medications such as antibiotics, oral contraceptives or Accutane.

As teens get older and hormones stabilize, fewer outbreaks should be seen, however some people do continue to have outbreaks well into adult hood. If the teen acne condition worsens or becomes emotionally debilitating it is important to seek medical help from a dermatologist.

You do not want an adolescent to grow up with skin and emotional scars as a result of acne, so treat not only their physical scars but their emotional scars.

About the author:
M.D Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at

34 Menopause Symptoms - Are You Suffering From One Or More Of These? by: Olinda Rola

34 menopause symptoms? Really? It is a logical question to ask. After all, millions of women are experiencing one or more of the 34 menopause symptoms right now! What is going on? We all remember a grandmother or older aunt, how they made the transition into menopause. The so-called change will happen, but something tells us that experiencing many of the symptoms of menopause as early as ages thirties or forties is not normal.

First, here is a list of the most common 34 menopause symptoms. Take a moment to consider each one, as some are subtle and at first glance may appear to have no relation to being menopause symptoms:

1 - Aching joints and muscles

2 - Allergy symptoms

3 - Breast tenderness

4 - Chronic fatigue and morning sluggishness

5 - Cold or tingling hands or feet

6 - Craving sweets, caffeine, carbohydrates and unstable blood sugar levels

7 - Depression, anxiety and mood swings

8 - Dizziness, lightheadedness

9 - Dry, thin or wrinkly skin

10 - Endometriosis

11 - Facial hair growth

12 - Fibrocystic breasts

13 - Hair loss, thinning hair

14 - Headaches, migraines

15 - Heart palpitations

16 - Heavy or light periods

17 - Hot flashes

18 - Incontinence

19 - Irregular periods

20 - Irritatibility, inability to handle stress

21 - Lack of concentration, foggy fuzzy thinking, memory lapses

22 - Leg cramps

23 - Low metabolism

24 - Lower sex drive, loss of sex drive

25 - PMS and menstrual cramping

26 - Night sweats

27 - Osteoporosis

28 - Ringing or buzzing in ears (tinnitus)

29 - Sleep disturbances, insomnia

30 - Spotting, light bleeding

31 - Symptoms of hypothyroidism with normal T3 and T4 levels

32 - Uninary tract and yeast infections

33 - Uterine fibroids

34 - Water retention and unexplained weight gain, especially in hips, waist and stomach

Menopause is a natural process for a woman, not an illness. As a woman ages, there will be an expected slowing and ultimately shutdown in the reproductive cycle and system. This is normal. However, most of the 34 menopause symptoms are indications of underlying hormonal imbalance or damage to the body from poor eating habits, stress, obesity and other factors. Millions of women in the industrialized countries experience one or more of these 34 menopause symptoms many years before the normal age of menopause, which is about 51 years of age.

Why? There are several reasons. Women often put tremendous demands on their bodies, much more stress than it was designed to handle, and then do not give it the support it needs. Women have demanding and stressful careers. There are family responsibilities. The relationship with the spouse or partner may not be the best. Aging parents can add to the burden. All of these and other responsibilities are cumulative in the toll they take on the body and health of a woman.

And at the same time, the womans body may not be receiving the support it needs to function as it was designed to do. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, obesity, excess caffeine and alcohol add to the problem instead of helping the body cope with the demands placed on it. This lack of balance between the demands made versus support given contributes to many of the 34 menopause symptoms.

Then there is the issue of the menstrual cycle and hormone production in the body. In the normal menstrual cycle and a healthy woman, estrogen is the dominant hormone that is produced for the first 10-12 days following the previous menstrual flow. If ovulation occurs, ovulation then signals the female body to produce progesterone, which happens for the next 12 days or so. If pregnancy does not occur during ovulation, progesterone and estrogen levels will drop at around day 28, allowing menstruation to begin. However, if you do not ovulate, you will not produce progesterone that month. This event, called an annovulatory cycle, is a typical occurance today for women even 10 to 20 years before the normal age of menopause. This leaves the woman with an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of the vital hormone progesterone which can only be produced if ovulation occurs.

Many women in their thirties or forties are actually having fewer ovulations, creating hormone imbalance, resulting in many of the 34 menopause symptoms. And once ovulation ceases at menopause, progesterone levels fall to virtually zero. At the same time, estrogen is still being produced, again leading to hormone imbalance and the resulting symptoms. If a hysterectomy has happened, surgical menopause means the woman no longer produces progesterone.

Besides the problems created by missed ovulations or hysterectomy, excess estrogen is regularly obtained from other sources. Birth control pills, household chemicals and pesticides, certain foods that have been sprayed or given chemicals and many construction materials used in homes are all sources of unhealthy estrogen. Doctors call this hormone imbalance condition where excess estrogen exists - estrogen dominance. What are the symptoms of estrogen dominance? The symptoms are nearly the same as the 34 menopause symptoms!

When your estrogen and progesterone hormones are balanced, you feel more alert and energetic. And balancing family, career, stress and your own needs becomes much easier to do, like it was when you were younger.

How can a woman tell if the symptoms being experienced are because of hormone imbalance? One easy and effective way is to take an online test for early signs of menopause and the 34 menopause symptoms. Used daily in their practice by a leading womens health clinic, the health test takes just a few minutes online and the test is free. By taking the clinic health test, you can find out more about your health, symptoms you have, what the symptoms are telling you and what to do about it. Take the online hormone health test and read more about hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance symptoms, hysterectomy side effects and physician-recommended treatments for premenopause symptoms and the 34 menopause symptoms.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

About the author:
Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster ofhttp://www.safemenopausesolutions.comwhere you will find physician-recommended natural treatments for premenopause and menopause symptoms. Visit the website and learn more about ways that really work for improving health. 

5 Quick Tips for Great Holiday Hair and Makeup by: Donna Monday

This holiday season you might say that old fashioned glitter and glamour is back. The online beauty tips web site has snooped out what’s hot this season: a modernized version of the old Hollywood glamour look.

Holiday Hair and Makeup Trend #1: Healthy Bronzed Skin
It may be cold and snowy out but you’ll look like you just flew in from sunny California. Achieve the look with a tinted moisturizer or bronzing powder.

Holiday Hair and Makeup Trend #2: Sparkling Eyes
Forget twinkle toes. Make your eyes the center of attention with a little sparkle. Achieve the look with glitter eye shadow and eye liner, optional: apply jeweled false eyelashes.

Holiday Hair and Makeup Trend #3: Glossy Lips
Plain lips become beautiful lips that look moist and dreamy with the right shade and lots of shine. Achieve the look with shiny lipstick in shades of pink or plum, or use a non-color gloss over a subtle shade of lipstick.

Holiday Hair and Makeup Trend #4: Upswept Hair and Loose Waves
A casual upswept do adds a bit of sophistication to your holiday look. Achieve the look by sectioning hair into two parts--below and above the ear. Twist and pin the bottom section into a tight bun. Sweep the top half back and tease out individual strands of hair. Loose waves bring back the 1930s era with style. Achieve the look with a large barrel curling iron.

Holiday Hair and Makeup Trend #5: Glitter Nails
All that glitters is golden for nails this season. Glitter adds the perfect finishing touch to beautifully manicured hands. Achieve the look with tinted or clear glitter nail polish. Or, add jeweled rhinestones to polished nails.

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About the author:
Copyright 2004

Donna Monday writes beauty related articles for